FAQ Page

Who are you?

My name is Carol and I'm from Ireland.

Why create a site about Surface?

I wanted to learn how to make a website, and the best way to learn is to do. I decided to make a Surface fansite because there are relatively few of them (so far). And also because I love the show!

I have a question/suggestion/complaint.

You can contact me at surfaceDOTareaATyahooDOTcom. Please do not send attachments, as the e-mail will be deleted. Viruses, you know...

Can I take something from your site and put it on my site?

Sure! Just credit me and provide a link to this site. I would also appreciate an e-mail of notification.

I have a great Surface-related article/artwork. Will you put it on your site?

Sure! Just e-mail me at surfaceDOTareaATyahooDOTcom. If I feel it would work well on this site I'll put it up and give you full credit. But don't send it as an attachment to the e-mail. Viruses, viruses...

Are you connected with the Surface cast and crew or NBC?

No. This is just a fansite. All images are either screencaps or promotional material released on tv.com, imdb or NBC's Surface website, which has now been shut down. If you have any queries or complaints regarding this, please do contact me at surfaceDOTareaATyahooDOTcom.

Is Surface going to get a second season?

NBC did not renew Surface for a second season. For more information, check out the Save Surface section of The Surface Area.

I want to make my own website. Do you have any recommendations?

Get yourself a copy of Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS (Wrox Beginning Guides). This book assumes you know nothing but want to know everything. It not only explains how, it explains why.

The Surface logo is a registered trademark of NBC.
No copyright infringement is intended on this site.
The Surface Area is in no way affiliated with or recognized by NBC.